Payment Policy
Payment Policy
When you are ready to purchase your items, click on the "Proceed to Payment" button. On the payment screen, you will see the total amount for the goods. Add your payment method, delivery address, and other information.
Accepted Payment Methods
- American Express
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Mastercard
- Visa
- Maestro
Payment Security
We ensure that every credit card transaction takes place in a secure environment. Our payment system uses 128-bit SSL encryption. You can verify the transaction's security by looking for a padlock icon in the bottom right corner of your browser. Your credit card details are not stored after completing the order but are directly transmitted to our banks.
Order Verification
Athomly strives to provide all customers with a secure, easy, and hassle-free online shopping experience. We have implemented a payment protection verification procedure. For some orders, we may need to verify customer information before processing. Please provide correct and up-to-date contact details to facilitate any necessary security confirmations.
Contact Information
Business name: Athomly
Company Name: Athomly
Address: Etnastraat 32, 1067 TH Amsterdam, Netherlands
Company Registration Number: 773322533
Telephone: +31657525522